The paper "Replication Robust Payoff Allocation in Submodular Cooperative Games" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
Bei der diesjährigen Kinderuni hatten die kleinen Studierenden in der Eröffnungswoche gleich vier Mal die Möglichkeit etwas über Informatik und einige spezielle...
Our paper "Option Transfer and SMDP Abstraction with Successor Features" has been accepted at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
On 15 April, experts discussed the question of whether artificial intelligence can revolutionise medicine as part of the Kaiserschild Lectures series. Among the panelists:...
Wir freuen uns Benjamin Roth an unserer Fakultät willkommen zu heißen. Die neugeschaffene Professur "Digitale Textwissenschaften" ist an der Fakultät für Informatik und der...
On 1.5.2020, Dr. Nils Morten Kriege joined our faculty on a tenure track professor-position with his interdisciplinary Data Science project "Algorithmic Data Science for...