
Three papers accepted at ICLR 2025

Three papers by various members of the Data Mining and Machine Learning group have been accepted at the 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2025.

Tenure Track Professorship at University of Vienna

Opportunity for Postdocs from abroad to join us as a Tenure Track Professor and Research Group Leader


Wir gratulieren Lukas Miklautz zu seiner hervorragenden Dissertation "Prototype-based representation learning with deep clustering" und zum Erhalt der Auszeichnung.

"Technologie ist weder gut noch böse" [Profil]

Prof. Claudia Plant erklärt im Profil-Interview, wie klug künstliche Intelligenz tatsächlich ist.

ICDM 2024 Best Paper Award for "Scalable Graph Classification via Random Walk Fingerprints"

Congratulations to Christian Böhm, who co-wrote the paper with Peiyan Li and Honglian Wang!

A catalogue of lay people’s information needs about AI systems

Wie Künstliche Intelligenz neue Wirkstoffe findet

Künstliche Intelligenz soll bei der Wirkstoffentwicklung die metaphorische Nadel im Heuhaufen finden. Ein Interview mit Prof. Nils M. Kriege in der Kurier...

Four papers accepted at ICDM 2024

Four papers by various members of the Data Mining and Machine Learning group have been accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2024)

Jointly organized International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs AND two amazing paper presentations


Our papers "On the Two Sides of Redundancy in Graph Neural Networks" and "Approximating the Graph Edit Distance with Compact Neighborhood Representations" have been accepted...

Warum Künstliche Intelligenz gar nicht so intelligent ist, die meisten Daten ungenutzt herum liegen und wie man bei all diesen rasanten Entwicklungen am Ball bleibt, darüber...

Auf KI basierende Bild- und Textgeneratoren produzieren digitale Werke von verblüffender Qualität, die manche Menschen beunruhigen: Wird Kunst bald automatisiert? Rudolphina...


We are excited to announce that the 22nd International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG) will again be held jointly with the ECML PKDD this September (either...

Franka presented the paper "Removing Redundancy in Graph Neural Networks" by Franka Bause, Samir Moustafa, Wilfried Gansterer, Nils M Kriege (Link:...

Mit klugen Algorithmen die Qualität von ChatGPT messen [Rudolphina]

Benjamin Roth untersucht, wie Algorithmen uns bei der Verarbeitung von großen Textmengen unterstützen können. Gemeinsam mit seinem Team entwickelt er Programme, mit denen man...

We are excited to announce that our paper "Specifying Prior Beliefs over DAGs in Deep Bayesian Causal Structure Learning" has been accepted at the European Conference on...

We are excited to announce that the paper "Posterior Consistency for Missing Data in Variational Autoencoders" has been accepted at the European Conference on Machine...

Paper accepted at KDD 2023

We are excited to announce that the paper "A Higher-Order Temporal H-Index for Evolving Networks" has been accepted at the SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data...

Nils Kriege im neuen Rudolphina-Artikel über die Entwicklung von KI-Verfahren für die effiziente Suche nach Wirkstoffen in großen Datenmengen.