Paper presentation, keynote and best paper award at ECMLPKDD 2022 and the MLG workshop

Franka presented the paper "EmbAssi: Embedding Assignment Costs for Similarity Search in Large Graph Databases" (Link: by Franka Bause, Erich Schubert, and Nils M. Kriege, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, which has been accepted at the ECMLPKDD 2022 journal track.

Nils gave a keynote at the 18th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG@ECMLPKDD) on "Expressivity in Graph Learning: On Walks and the Weisfeiler-Leman Algorithm".

Finally, the paper "A Temporal Graphlet Kernel for Classifying Dissemination in Evolving Networks" (Link: by Lutz Oettershagen, Nils M. Kriege, Claude Jordan, and Petra Mutzel received the best paper award at the MLG workshop.